Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hunter gathering....

So i went hunter gathering the other day and this is what i found

I took them home washed them...

And hey presto Radical Reg's were born.....

Dyeing with tea bags!

So i wanted to dye some of the doll face fabric brown to make brown dollies and thought i'd have a go with tea bags.It's been a long time since i've done any dyeing so experimenting was the name of the game.

I put four tea bags in boiling water, let them stew for a bit then put the fabric in for two hours.

The result wasn't dark enough so i re-heated the tea mix and put the fabric back in overnight.
And here's the result.

The fabric on the right is the original colour. 
Not a bad result but i'm going to have a go with coffee next week .

I haven't quite decided if Marcie will have black or brown hair. But i think she's gonna look a little like Diana Ross!

Finding something lovely in a week of madness

Well this last week has been a tad strange in London Town as i'm sure the world is aware...

I went back to the market last Sunday, Covent Garden Apple Market to be precise and had a lovely day catching up with customers and other traders.

Two Manic Manx's,two Triple Ply Teds and a Radical Reg!

Missy and Polly hanging with the Beastlies.

Then on Tuesday in all the madness i went to the charity shop and found this beauty,it did make me smile and there wasn't much to smile about in London that day...

I'm pleased to say all is calm again and i'll be going back to the market tomorrow.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Vintage Festival

Last weekend it was the Vintage Festival on the Southbank.
I didn't really get to see any of it as i was stuck behind my stall,i also didn't take any photos much to my shame so i've borrowed a few pics from my friends.

The stall in all it's glory!

Sally Dolly found a friend
Bonny and Bonny Dolly showing off their petticoats

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

My Girls

The Girls

And so it begins....

So i've been trying to get the time to start writing a Blog and the time is now!

I'm recovering from doing the Vintage Festival. it was three days of madness,meeting lovely people and making new friends.

I'm having a spot of bother getting used to this,it's making me feel a tad old. But i'm sure in time i'll get the hand of it so bare with me and i hope i can amuse you...